We will help you to get the result you worried about.
裝修PRO小型修整服務 - 小範圍的維修工程
Problems with Water SeepageWater seepage, especially from drainage or water pipes, can cause property damage and hygiene problems such as the discharge of sewerage, water pollution, pest infestation and mosquito breeding. You should ensure that any problem is dealt with quickly.If you notice water seepage from the ceiling or a wall of your flat, you may:
discuss it with your neighbours for remedy
裝修PRO小型修整服務 - 維修參考案例
評語:感謝師傅維修電視 地區:西貢蠔涌新村 日期:05 / 10
評語:感謝師傅幫忙裝櫃門 地區:上水營盤村 日期:11 / 05
評語:感謝師傅幫忙維修廁所設施 地區:海濱花園 日期:01/ 04
評語:感謝師傅幫忙裝濾水器 地區:太湖山莊 日期:16 / 05
評語:感謝師傅維修馬桶 地區:天賦海灣 日期:03 / 25
Falling Windows Falling windows are a serious threat to the lives of others, and will make you liable for criminal prosecution. Both property owners and occupants must ensure that windows are regularly checked and well maintained. If there is any loosening or sign of corrosion in a window frame, you may contact a professional for a thorough inspection and repairs.